Monday, February 1, 2010

For Me

For Me

Invest all my energy all my time,
sifting through the autumn covered memories in my lost and frozen mind.
Working day to day, depending biweekly on my pay,
searching desperately for another way to live this life.
Following my dreams,
shouldn't be a task,
going west of anywhere is an experience no questions asked.
Always a story about the phrase " One day I'll..."
then the realization of responsibilities stack tall
that ambition " One day I'll..."
turns into " i always wanted to.."
and then it never happens at all.
So here i am holding all my dreams,
investing all my time,
wasting my talents for a unsatisfactory day to day rhyme.
Escaping is my goal,
my need of all needs,
existing among fellow human beings
just ordinarily living their lives,
some stuck in past times.
Not me,
I'll save myself escape from the black hole i have dug to hell.
Reach for the top,
dig your way up,
I'll find my way,
I'll get where i need to be,
in this, i need to invest MY time,
MY love, dreams, destiny,
for no one, but for me.

-C. MacGinnis

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