Sunday, July 19, 2009

Slow Down

Slow Down

where is everyone going
what is the rush
no one else matters
time is crunched

take time to breath
stop, and take it in
under, and beneath
enjoy the world
while we have it.

take a minute of your day
to appreciate the souls that paid
for the streets we walk on
the food we eat
the money we spend
the freedom of speech..

talk about the birds
talk about the weather
but take time to appreciate
one another
help out each other

slow down
take a minute
enjoy this world
and everything God put in it

where is everyone going
what is the rush
keep going at a fast,
impatient pace
and your life is as good as flushed.
this is our lives
not a race to the end
so slow down, and take it all in
while you can..

-Crystal MacGinnis

1 comment:

ash said...

I love this one-- it's awesome.